Barrabra's ample figure stood silently under the archway in the late afternoon sun.
She wore a glamorous gown in her favorite shade of apricot that set off her ample figure in a most voluptuous way.
Beside her stood the shorter, more ample figure of Red Ansel the shaman, holding a finger to his lips.
She had an ample, tightly corsetted figure and an expression of self-respect and dignity that no man could imitate.
The shade kept me from seeing more than an ample figure.
Mrs. Goodrich had left the porch and was coming toward them, her ample figure moving as quickly as her age would allow.
He noticed a few freckles on either side of her nose, as well as an ample figure beneath the cloak.
She had the ample figure of an experienced older woman, a mother, but her shape suggested much more than the fertility of procreation.
Beside an old-fashioned kitchen range, in a large easy chair, sat the ample figure of the cook, sound asleep.
The 20-year-old displayed her whenever the subject of her "ample figure" comes up.