In front of the house, with ample cover near by, stood a car of dejected appearance.
They were about nine thousand feet up, he thought, judging by the plant growth, and there was ample cover.
"We have a good platform for the MG's, ample cover, and a good view of the river."
In this part of the world there was ample cover and we suffered no losses.
"This cloud will provide ample cover for the Battles, right up to the last moment," Bletchley said.
There was ample cover in the dry washes and brush.
"Perhaps the noise and glare will provide us ample cover."
Spawning occurs from May to August in shallow water near ample cover.
One hawk had a possible sighting in a Farmstead with ample cover.
There would be ample cover, which meant, in turn, that there were few clear fields of fire.