There were also between 100 and 120 operational Japanese air bases that would be used to provide air attacks during any amphibious invasion.
Failing this, an amphibious invasion was planned for 11 June.
Not everything went smoothly behind the scenes, despite planning worthy of an amphibious invasion.
It was the greatest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare and the risks were immense.
How meticulous planning, good luck and sheer guts ensured the success of history's largest amphibious invasion.
Separated from Taiwan by 100 miles of choppy sea, China does not have the ability to mount an amphibious invasion.
On September 15, 1950, he took part in the amphibious invasion of Incheon.
Later that day, the ship resumed bombardment duties in preparation for the amphibious invasion.
At the time it was the largest amphibious invasion to ever take place.
The Russians appear to be mounting an amphibious invasion of Sweden.