A black amorphous shape appeared between them, and more than one watcher shuddered.
The image on the screen became a nested set of glowing amorphous shapes.
Dark amorphous shapes swayed in the darkness around him.
He could see it, ill defined and obscure through the plastic, a nearly amorphous shape.
The glow increased in intensity, and then they saw an amorphous green shape with lateral streaks.
He touched another control, and a second, red line appeared, drawing an amorphous shape that abutted the first.
Instead of filling the skull completely, it shared the space with a green, amorphous shape.
For one moment I thought I saw it, an amorphous shape rising above me.
They showed a vast black amorphous shape rapidly receding in the distance until it was gone from view.
But the shape of the problem was the same - a dark, amorphous shape, hanging like a shadow over us.