It was very popular amongst wealthy families.
The incidence of poverty amongst Ethiopian families is estimated at about 51.7% compared with 15.8% in the general Israeli population.
Silverdale is a favourite area amongst families with at least 90% of all households supporting families.
Her stage name was coined as a result of the taboo amongst German aristocratic families against using family names in mainstream industries.
Chinese restaurants are very popular amongst families as opposed to fast food and continental cuisine which is more favoured by the youth.
The creation of the museum reflected a trend toward nativism amongst old American families during the immigration influx in the early twentieth century.
There has been a recent resurgence amongst families worldwide to employ governesses or full-time tutors.
The joint family system was popular amongst the Jats and large families used to share the same house and hearth.
Pellagra was seen amongst poor families who used corn as their main dietary staple.
Often practiced in workplaces or amongst large families, participation in it is usually voluntary.