To avoid a higher personal cost, Mages could offer to share the price amongst other individuals or creatures within the vicinity of the spell.
They were early ancestors to the sloth bear, Sivatherium, an ancient giraffe, Colossochelys atlas, a giant tortoise amongst other creatures.
Other animals found in the area includes bats, roe deer, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs, shrews, mice and slow worms, amongst other creatures such as insects, whilst plant life is also varied.
This language it is that has spread through the western world amongst all folk and creatures that use words, to some only a second tongue for use in intercourse with strangers, to some the only tongue they know.
Amongst other creatures there were elephants in plenty that travelled hither out of the bushlands we had passed, or sometimes emerged from the desert itself, suggesting that beyond this waste there lay fertile country.
Amongst other creatures, there are some which use other forms of communication, such as cuttlefish and chameleons, which can alter their body color in complex ways as a method of communication, and ants and honey bees, which use pheromones to communicate complex messages to other members of their hives.
Seal Island and the adjacent waters provide rare opportunities for those who wish to witness attacks by White Sharks on the Cape Fur Seal and to observe social interactions amongst creatures of both species.
It may have fed, amongst other creatures, on labyrinthodonts, as remains of these amphibians are associated with the skeleton.
This has left more than 10000 hecters of farm land flooded and the streets of makurdi town occupied by crocodies amongst other dangerous creeping creatures.
Some of them were captured by Choten's minions to build up the mana, but were later freed amongst other creatures by Ray, Gabe, Allie, and Mighty Shouter.