And as more states lower the barriers to competition among utilities, finding lower-priced energy should become even easier.
It is, generally, the last two issues that cause the most concern among utilities.
If it did, it would be the first unfriendly fight among big utilities.
Aside from setting up competition, the deregulation law mandates a 10 percent cut in rates among existing utilities by the year 2002.
This situation is cause for confusion among utilities, regulators, and the public.
Today, he says he is finding especially good value among Asian utilities.
So far, it seems, trading among utilities has not been needed to meet Federal standards.
There is increasing interest among utilities and state governments in promoting more efficient use of electricity.
But some critics questioned that estimate and said the rates would continue to be expensive, the second highest among major utilities.
The three states already have a system to transfer power among utilities as needed.