But to resolve its currency crisis, Brazilian policy makers must choose among several long-term strategies.
Among strategies being used to rejuvenate town centers is the establishment of downtown taxing districts.
This involved, among other strategies, draining swamps, and constructing hard horse standings.
Such claims from residents have been resisted by oil industry supporters through references to apparently conflicting data and deferrals of legal responsibility, among other strategies.
Among other strategies, the unit has hired foreign companies to build new plants and paid them from the factories' proceeds.
In general, American society entrusts to local and state processes important choices among curricular and pedagogical strategies.
Changing attitudes among teen-agers and innovative policing strategies may also be contributors, other experts said.
Nonphysical Tactics Among strategies that have worked are pretending that a man is about to arrive or is already inside expecting you.
The types of hydrogen bond donors used in catalysis vary widely from reaction to reaction, even among similar catalytic strategies.
Unique among strategies to ration health care, discretionary health policies do not withhold treatment from those desiring it.