Among other steps, the agency restricted the ability of workers to move around the sprawling warehouse at all hours.
Among other steps, a school bus stop was moved away from an intersection near the house where he is living.
Among other steps, he has pledged to reduce the influence of political action committees.
That measure, among other steps, would once and for all outlaw the use of evidence obtained through torture.
Among other steps, he ordered the police to immediately take any distressed person to the nearest hospital.
So the airlines want, among other steps, better intelligence work by Government agencies.
Their remedy involved 26,000 job cuts and six closed plants, among other steps.
Among other steps, we agreed to establish a financial action task force to find new ways to track and prevent the laundering of drug money.
Among other steps, he consolidated several agencies into a Federal Police force of nearly 25,000.
Among other steps, the industry would also help enforce rules prohibiting companies from advertising in a way intended to reach children.