THE case that passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer among nonsmoking spouses has been strengthened by a study based on autopsies.
The average conversations among college graduates, spouses or adult friends contain less rare (advanced) words than the average preschool reading book.
This pattern of greater sharing of family tasks was also prevalent among spouses under 30 years of age.
Firstly, Crohn's disease is rarely found among spouses of Crohn's disease probands, suggesting that family environment after marriage does not contribute substantially to the disease.
Still, there was bar talk and clerical gossip and talk among spouses.
Among spouses it is possible to submit without love, but it is impossible to love without submitting mutually to each other.
A correlation in BMI changes over time has been found among friends, siblings, and spouses.
Abuse may result in injuries, especially in children, in vulnerable adults, and among spouses.
Problems in psychosocial adjustment to ICDs, including the experience of anxiety, among spouses or other romantic partners are also prevalent.
We recruit controls mainly from among spouses and unrelated friends of the patients.