However, such writings are biased by the need among his successors to justify his deposition.
There were no changes made among them save as changes were made among their successors whom I myself appointed.
Not quite old enough to have been a venerable, a "mustache," never quite vigorous or smart enough to be a man of importance among their successors.
Among Atenulf's successors the principality was ruled jointly by fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, and uncles for the greater part of the century.
Dunbar's reputation among his immediate successors was considerable.
During his twenty-five years in office, a record unbroken among his successors, Secretary Otis never missed a day on the job.
After Kenshin's death and much confusion among his successors, Nobunaga started his campaign again on this area.
The first known bishop was Candidus (465); among his successors were:
A violent struggle among his successors would be likely to prompt American military intervention.
The accord's application has been delayed by squabbling among their successors about how to divide obligations.