In 1841, she was appointed assistant general of the sisters, an appointment that caused great resentment among her sisters.
I think she will cause a stir among her sisters today.
Always foremost among her three sisters, she liked being the center of attention.
The haze of nostalgia covers their days among their sisters, making those days into something different than they were.
She married a man who loved her, they had babies and Liza grew fat, a topic of conversation among her sisters almost daily.
Daniella put the rabbit back among her sisters and they moved on.
When Mary's parents died, she distributed the farmland she inherited among her sisters and the orphans of the community.
In features, form, and poise, answering more nearly to the white man's type of beauty, she was almost an anomaly among her tribal sisters.
Within each chapter is a system to ensure academic excellence among their sisters and interested ladies.
And you believe that among her sisters she truly finds the solidarity to heroically embrace martyrdom.