They contend that it might even hurt the Senator among his conservative base.
The strategist said Republican polling found that support for expanded powers remained strong, especially among Mr. Bush's conservative base.
Mr. Bush can ill afford any problems among his base.
Democrats say that Mr. Bush's gains among his base will come at a cost.
The Brown campaign, he said, focused its fewer resources on grass-roots efforts, particularly among his African-American base.
In addition, Apple had nurtured a feeling of animosity toward Intel among its loyal base.
Ms. Fields unveiled two new radio ads yesterday aimed at rallying support among her base of black voters.
Three years later with the Mets, Kingman batted only .204, but among his 109 base hits were 37 home runs.
Mr. Bradley has tried to outflank the vice president among the party's liberal base, which includes blacks, women, labor unions and environmentalists.
"And a contested primary would have generated more interest among the party's base."