Among Japanese literature, the islands first appeared in the 7th century.
Among existing literature, Nagavarma II's Karnataka-bhashabhushana is from 1145.
The incidence of puerperal sepsis shows wide variations among published literature - this may be related to different definition, recording etc.
His intellectual curiosity and knowledge covered many human endeavors, among them art, music and literature.
Because of this exposure, a variety of articles started to appear, among them physics, biology, information technology, literature, music, games, manga, and celebrities.
The highest scoring woman in a category was Murasaki Shikibu among Japanese literature.
First article is about differences and similarities among literature, philosophy and criticism.
This subgenre is common among role-playing games, text-based roleplaying, and high-fantasy literature.
Zamfirescu thus attacked the use of folklore for direct inspiration, which saw Maiorescu, among others, defending folk literature and its supporters.
Rhyme is otherwise virtually unknown among Anglo-Saxon literature, which used alliterative verse instead.