But the Islanders, among other deficiencies, cannot polish off an opponent.
Some historians have criticized or simply dismissed the text, citing among other deficiencies Goldhagen's "neglect of decades of research in favour of his own preconceptions", which he proceeds to articulate in an "intemperate, emotional, and accusatory tone".
The case involves a delusional man who truly believed that he was a dead man walking because, among other deficiencies, he could not see his feet while strolling.
As for Con Edison, the report says that, among other deficiencies, the company demonstrated chronic problems with emergency preparedness, even during scheduled drills.
The researchers acknowledged that the study had certain limitations: they lacked information on factors like drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and depression, among other deficiencies.
Among other deficiencies, the device held paper in a horizontal frame, which limited the thickness of the paper that could be used and made alignment difficult.
They have a Shaquille O'Neal-sized hole at point guard right now, among other offensive deficiencies, that has to be addressed if they're even to have a chance to win it all.
We Liberals know as a matter of fact--nowadays every one knows--that the monster that brought us into power has, among other deficiencies, no head.
During that conflict, the military had great difficult in searching for Iraq's Scud missiles and found itself without enough vaccine to protect American troops against possible germ weapons, among other deficiencies.
Among numerous deficiencies, we found that the correlation between respiratory illnesses and years residing at the housing complex was not statistically significant.