Cross-references among databases are common, using database Accession number (bioinformatics) numbers.
You may select from among numerous databases for information about facilities, watersheds, enforcement actions, and other searches.
Mobilink: MobiLink is a highly-scalable, session-based synchronization technology for exchanging data among relational databases and other non-relational data sources.
Among other databases, Ethnicities is abstracted and indexed in Scopus and the Social Sciences Citation Index.
In order to compare the use of CAM terminology among authors and indexers, we focused the study on the standard practice of using MeSH among various databases.
Resources have grown from punched card data decks begun by the WPA in the 1930s to many computing choices, among many client/server networks and climatic databases.
The website has tools for social networking among scientists, topical articles, biographies of scientists, and databases for finding jobs and summer internships.
It is linked to the National Crime Information Center and the Interstate Identification Index among other databases maintained by the FBI.
Thus, XA is a type of transaction coordination, often among databases.
They are important in computer algebra where they provide portability among different mathematical databases and computer algebra systems.