A priest does not want to convert, he merely wants to live among believers, among his own kind.
"A lot of cultural attention was put on it, both among believers and nonbelievers."
In the days of the early church, the thing that most impressed outsiders was the community of love among believers.
The most serious danger to the church, and the most difficult to measure, is disaffection among believers.
No doubt the media are less interested in an honest debate among believers than should be the case.
We do not want to create any splits among believers over the coming elections.
Bruce was fast becoming one of the leading prophecy scholars among new believers.
His career as the great self-liberator sparked hope among believers that he might reach across the grave and effect one final escape.
On social issues such as abortion, the church has found little resonance among believers.
Yet a false syllogism among believers cries out for a serious answer.