Unique among airports in the world is the runway, which runs parallel to a pristine beach.
This design is still common among smaller airports.
Łódź ranked 8th among Polish airports in 2011 in passenger numbers.
This design is still common among smaller airports, and even many larger airports have "bus gates" to accommodate aircraft beyond the main terminal.
The remaining $400 million would be split among other state public transit systems, ports, airports and canals.
Any moves towards further taxation on fuel or services would limit free competition among new airlines and airports.
The competition among airports to be the first or second level in the open skies hierarchy is proving cut-throat in my country.
Second: measures taken in this area must not interfere with competition among airports and carriers, which is natural to the free market.
Among airports, Midway in Chicago led the way this year with 25.3 percent of flights departing late, or 15 minutes or more behind schedule.
In 2010, the airport ranked 34th among Canadian airports for total number of aircraft movements (landing or taking off), with 51,279 movements.