They also lost six guns and two ammunition wagons.
An additional 3,500 soldiers, 19 guns, 23 ammunition wagons, and two colors fell into the hands of the Austrians.
The Americans turned and retreated, leaving behind their field guns and ammunition wagons.
Or if one of those pteridons had crashed into the ammunition wagon and set it on fire?
Using 800 men, twelve ammunition wagons, and two pieces of Artillery, the raid would be a success.
But then an ammunition wagon came doggedly forward over the muddy road.
A third piece killed a mule before striking an ammunition wagon and setting it on fire.
In addition, 12 cannons, 2 howitzers and 30 ammunition wagons had been lost.
The guns and ammunition wagons followed, behind the two other companies of the same regiment.
"An ammunition wagon just came up," Lewis said, pointing.