Scientists believe the white spots are made from ammonia ice pushed up by warmer gas through the tops of the planet's clouds.
At eight thousand miles below the visible surface they encountered the first solid material: caked ammonia ice.
She knew instantly which weapons systems were left, and she returned fire with metal-jacketed pellets of ammonia ice.
The zones' lighter color is believed to result from ammonia ice; what gives the belts their darker colors is not known with certainty.
The upper clouds, located in the pressure range 0.6-0.9 bar, are made of ammonia ice.
He recorded the various proportions of methane and hydrogen, ammonia ice and water ice.
Somehow they've managed to get the troposphere to cough up a lot of ammonia ice.
As it heats the surrounding slurry, the ammonia ice and gas is propelled up the tube and expelled into space.
For the next three years, the accelerator chains beyond Pluto fired ten-ton blocks of ammonia ice at the traveling ship.
The corridors were caked with ammonia ice, burning his pod as he slipped over them.