His comments come with his government under mounting pressure to stop the violence and amid warnings from Christians that they will defend themselves.
The English footballers' union has called for talks with the game's governing bodies amid warnings that players' lives are at risk from hooligan fans.
"Amid growing warnings of double-dip recession and euro crisis, Bank boosts quantitative easing by £75bn"
Davis was put to death by lethal injection on 21 September amid widespread warnings that his conviction had been unsafe.
Two of the women have said they are petrified amid warnings that war could break out soon, but they say they have to go.
Amid dire warnings about fuel prices, sales of wood stoves have jumped.
Treasury prices were mixed amid warnings by two Federal Reserve governors that inflation was trending higher.
The debate comes amid warnings that President Bush will veto the legislation.
Amid constant warnings of terrorism, they are also wary of most people they meet.
More than 100 art galleries also held a one-day protest strike on July 2 amid warnings that some may be bankrupted by the new rules.