Serbia's power subsequently dwindled amid interminable conflict between the nobility, rendering the country unable to resist the steady incursion of the Ottoman Empire into south-eastern Europe.
Even amid conflict, Israelis have always applauded themselves for allowing anyone to run for office - including those who reject the very raison d'être of a Jewish state.
On the 30th of May 2010, Hussain was aboard the convoy amid conflict during the Gaza flotilla raid.
The U.S. cannot prosper amid chaos and conflict, economic isolation or hostile trading blocs.
As it turned out, she did not compete indoors in the winter of 1992 because her parents, amid continuing conflict with their daughter, refused to sign the school's permission form.
He will replace Billy Prince, who resigned April 12 amid conflict with City Council members over changes in the department and with minority residents who were critical of the police resort to deadly force.
She was the sole reality amid the cynicism and conflict of a most unpleasant Universe.
Mr. Zebari noted that 35 United Nations workers had been dispatched to help monitor Iraq's elections, far fewer than the 300 sent to East Timor for a referendum there in 1999 amid conflict.
In January 2012, human rights groups in the country urged teams to boycott the 2012 race amid ongoing conflict in the country.
It is an updated version of the KC-767, originally selected as the USAF's new tanker aircraft in 2003, designated KC-767A, and then dropped amid conflict of interest allegations.