Yahoo's board rejected Microsoft's initial offer amid claims that it was too low.
He said as a result the government would have to "regulate" the industry amid claims many dealers were refusing to stop cash transactions.
This aid has become a key issue in the presidential election next month amid claims of American interference in the domestic political system.
The Company suspended all sales activity amid claims of mis-selling by its call centre staff in 2011.
The government's monitoring of community care implementation started last week amid claims it is sending in the inspectors too soon.
But the goal is coming amid claims and countercharges.
Yesterday the crossing was in operation again, amid local claims that the warning lights came on only 10 seconds before trains go through.
Police were then called amid claims the object, which had washed up close to the town centre's main thoroughfare bridge, was a dead body.
Blatter was elected by 111 to 80 votes, amid claims of bribery.
The incident sparked demonstrations and protests amid claims of police racism.