In an amiable, conversational tone, he said, "I promise to take better care of myself from now on."
"Yes, you will," he said in an almost amiable tone.
He said in an amiable tone of voice, "How would you like to spend the rest of the day in the hospital?"
He was hanging about in the hallway, awkward, apologetic, yet trying for an amiable tone.
He cantioned himself to assume a more amiable tone in speaking of her boss.
"I think we must persuade you to change your mind on that count," said the Masterharper in a quiet, amiable tone.
He saw me, and without further preamble began in an amiable tone of voice: "Ah, sir!
Mr. Gore set that amiable tone from the moment of his opening statement.
"And I think you're wrong," he replied in equally amiable tones.
His voice was deep and resonant with a pleasant amiable tone to it.