With the rise of tourism and leisure, real property comes to include scenic and other amenity values.
This inevitably leads to difficulties where there are other interests or designations such as environmental protection, scientific interest or amenity value in the same place.
There is some interest in improving the canal for its amenity value.
In 1997 the amenity value of the elms in Melbourne's boulevards was estimated to be $39 million.
Woodland prices are affected by its very favourable tax treatment and its high amenity value.
Most are in country areas of high amenity value which attract outsiders - anglers and tourists - with decided views about what is meant by clean water.
Even before it closed, there was interest in retaining the canal for its amenity value.
The impact on the amenity value of the countryside to holiday-makers, horse-riders etc. will be devastating, and also devastating for local country people.
These include "human health, biological diversity, amenity values of everyday life and leisure, and environmental quality," he wrote in a 1990 monograph.
You can expect to pay double this for smaller plots close to villages, however, such land has amenity value and is highly prized by horse-riders.