These amendments to the plans resulted in three significant changes to the proposed centre from the initial 1960s concept.
This amendment resulted in motion pictures being specifically added to the category of protected works.
The proposed amendments would result in the country reverting to being a sultanate.
My amendment would result in a reduction in the burden on these people to the tune of 50 per cent.
The President's latest word is that recent amendments "do not result in a bill that I could sign."
After two years as Foreign Minister, a 1991 constitutional amendment setting a minimum age of 35 for ministers resulted in his departure from the government.
The amendments would have resulted in drastic reductions of tobacco premiums.
According to the rapporteur, these amendments will result in a reduction in health risk to bathers from 12% to 7.5%.
These amendments result from an attempt at compromise, taking into account the objections raised by various groups, with regard to the 75% ceiling initially considered.
The amendment resulted from parliamentary horse-trading that began with a fight over a bill to outlaw racism.