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These cells generally take on a large, ameboid shape, although some variance has been observed.
The foam began to detach itself from them, to assume ameboid shape.
The blood consists of ameboid cells and hemoglobin dissolved in the plasma.
It writhed and pulsated like a monstrous ameboid thing inside its human garmenture.
This may explain why the majority of ameboid microglial cells are found within the "fountains of microglia" in the cerebral cortex.
Again and again, they had to let themselves collapse back into an ameboid shape, victims of some omitted or malfunctioning organ, but each failure smoothed the road.
Unlike activated or ameboid microglia, ramified microglia are unable to phagocytose cells and display little or no immunomolecules.
Unlike the ameboid forms of microglia, the cell body of the ramified form remains fairly motionless, while its branches are constantly moving and surveying the surrounding area.
Large rounded cells, termed splenic cells, are also seen; these are capable of ameboid movement, and often contain pigment and red-blood corpuscles in their interior.
In eukaryotic unicellular cells, ameboid movement and cilium or the eukaryotic flagellum are the main effectors (e.g. Amoeba or Tetrahymena).
Though he has become an ameboid organic matter which doesn't retains human form because of the sequela of the battle and the drift, he maintained his life using supernatural power tenaciously.
In anatomy and histology, the term wandering cell (or ameboid cell) is used to describe cells that are found in connective tissue, but are not fixed in place.
Activated or ameboid microglia and macrophages that contain myelin debris, lipid droplets and brown autofluorescent pigment granules are found in the areas with demyelination and axonal spheroids.
Joshua, as it turns out, is a Yherjak, an amorphous ameboid species that communicate through olfactory transmission, and smell horrifically awful, that have traveled to Earth in an asteroid to make first contact.
Their deft pours of colored resin gather in ameboid translucent puddles and evoke color theory and melting Fruit Pops, Lava lamps and stained glass, Verner Panton and Morris Louis.
The Lapidus style is idiosyncratic and immediately recognizable in photographs, derived as it was from the attention-getting techniques of commercial store design: sweeping curves, theatrically backlit floating ceilings, 'beanpoles', and the ameboid shapes that he called 'woggles', 'cheeseholes', and painter's palette shapes.