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The blood consists of ameboid cells and hemoglobin dissolved in the plasma.
This regional increase in stiffness is likely to occur in most or all metazoan and ameboid cells.
In anatomy and histology, the term wandering cell (or ameboid cell) is used to describe cells that are found in connective tissue, but are not fixed in place.
He stepped into the corridor gingerly but got no reaction from the amoeboid.
The radical abortion caused a reaction from the amoeboid, but not a hostile response.
The most memorable character, in his view, was a "highly-intelligent" amoeboid with the ability to control the wills of others beings.
Vahlkampfia jugosa is a species of amoeboid.
Genetic studies place the cercomonads among the Cercozoa, a diverse group of amoeboid and flagellate protozoans.
Polychaos dubium is a freshwater amoeboid and one of the larger species of protist.
When I lose my balance, I fall into the black, clutchy amoeboid, and it's quite a battle to keep from being totally engulfed.
Amoeboid Deco?)
They are formed from megakaryocytes which, in the final process of maturation, become amoeboid in shape and their pseudopods penetrate the marrow sinusoids.
The generic type (amoeboid, insect, feline, avian, and so on) of inhabitants on a planet can be determined by a roll of percentile dice-a similar system appears in Traveller.
"I shut off my sense-filter to look for the old man, and instead found an Eremite from Neptune, a shapeless, shape-changing amoeboid in shapeless, shape-changing armor of crystal blue.
AMOEBOID DYSENTERY: Another of the first 'cross-overs' to non-native hosts.
He unleashed several slayers which included a small arachnid that worked as a tracking device, a six-tentacled amoeboid, a towering humanoid slayer with multiple personality disorder, a black widow, tarantula, and a scorpion.
In subsequent decades, as new names and species proliferated, accounts of Chaos, under a variety of synonyms, became so thoroughly entangled with descriptions of similar organisms, that it is virtually impossible to differentiate one historic amoeboid from another.
Application of steroids to a dendritic ulcer caused by HSV will result in rapid and significant worsening of the ulcer to form an 'amoeboid' or 'geographic' ulcer, so named because of the ulcer's map like shape.
Dr Jay wins the thread... Although my personal favourite version of the Onion test is asking someone to explain why the largest known genome belongs to an amoeboid, which happens to have 200 times as many base pairs as for a human - 200 times!
Although Naegleria is sometimes considered amoeboid, it is not closely related to the Amoebozoa (it is much more closely related to Trypanosoma), and agents used to treat Naegleria infections (such as Amphotericin B) are usually addressed separately.
However, using the example of the freshwater amoeboid Paulinella chromatophora, which contains chromatophores found to be evolved from cyanobacteria, these authors argue that this is not the only possible criterion, another one being that the host cell has assumed control of the regulation of the former endosymbiont's division, bringing it in synchrony with the cell's own division.