His ambitions occasionally outstrip his abilities, but when they do not, his food is exciting.
Ultimately, though, "The Binding Chair" is a novel whose ambition outstrips its achievement.
Most well-known artists have an early phase when ambition outstrips originality and all their ideas are secondhand.
Those whose ambition far outstripped their ability would sell their own people for Hayll's "assistance."
This show has its inspired moments, though Mr. Kitaj is a painter whose ambitions outstrip his art.
With 130 pieces by 31 photographers, the show's ambitions far outstrip its available space.
Her ambition obviously outstripped her experience or her policy expertise.
But her ambition and her willfulness had outstripped her caution, and so she was no longer reliable.
Time and again his ambition outstrips his source base.
He decided to become a poet while still in prep school, but his ambition far outstripped his early accomplishment.