Wilde's deliberately ambiguous title creates dramatic irony in this case, as it is difficult to say which character has the title role.
But as the work's ambiguous title suggested, the games there were not playful in spirit.
In the end, Hopper settled for the more ambiguous title, Office at Night.
Perhaps he was frightened by the ambiguous title, which, though never explained, suggests that Jobs may be the perpetrator of a great business "con."
In truth, the magazines overlapped for two issues with ambiguous titles.
The ambiguous title is appropriate for this miscellaneous group exhibition.
"Badge of Courage" bears the burden of a rather obvious and ambiguous title.
With this official but ambiguous title, they were permitted to continue their trading operation so long as they regularly reported to France.
The ambiguous title sets the reader on a wrong track until it is fully explained at the end of the story.
I kind of like ambiguous titles.