However, 'fingerprinting' clay sources is much more difficult with certain artifact types with more ambiguous origins than others.
Tea cultivation in India has somewhat ambiguous origins.
Gilligan has stated that he purposely left Gus' origin ambiguous, comparing it to the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
Other running jokes featuring him include being prank called by Bart Simpson, running illegal activities from his bar, and an ambiguous ethnic origin.
The band name, which has ambiguous origins, also stands for the band's modus operandi.
The name is of ambiguous and disputed origin.
It felt like an exciting admission, a return to the show's more ambiguous origins, but it turned out to be an exorcism.
The flap is of ambiguous origin, but probably was originally intended to reduce abrasive wear to pants.
"The defecating duck, or, the ambiguous origins of artificial life."
Avery is an English surname of ambiguous origin.