The moral and political ambiguities of "Friedenstag" and the circumstances surrounding it become easier to overlook when one confronts the beauty of the music.
Because of the ambiguity surrounding Louis Napoleon's political positions, his agenda as president was very much in doubt.
It is this last, longstanding provision of copyright law, known as the "first sale doctrine," that has created much of the legal ambiguity surrounding the gray market.
The turnout, and the response by German officials, reflected many of the ambiguities surrounding Scientology in Germany.
Nevertheless, there was considerable ambiguity surrounding the role of women in the church.
The ambiguities surrounding the party are underscored by the contradictory names that are being considered for it.
Considering this moral ambiguity surrounding Jim, it's fitting that the image he's most often associated with is mist.
But the national press has published nothing about the ambiguity surrounding the Milwaukee Project.
There are still many ambiguities surrounding flax.
Secondly, there is ambiguity surrounding collective expulsions.