In discussions of neurology and similar contexts where no ambiguity will result, it is often referred to as simply the medulla.
Further ambiguity often results from the structure of hortative formations which can sometimes have many words or appear as adverbially modified forms of other modalities:
In legal and semi-legal texts, it has become the norm to use lexical repetition even in instances where no ambiguity might result from using pronominal reference.
If the connective suitable for sumti were used to connect selbri, ambiguity would result.
Raglan wished his cavalry to advance immediately, but the ambiguity of the order had again resulted in a misunderstanding.
Subjects are mentioned when a topic is introduced, or in situations where an ambiguity might result from their omission.
The ambiguity in the historical record has resulted in a good old-fashioned academic brouhaha centering on the Hogwood recordings.
These ambiguities resulted in both countries claiming several islands in Passamoquoddy Bay, Grand Manan Island and nearby islands.
This ambiguity could result in duplicated work or mis-communications about responsibility and authority.
The ambiguity in the map and treaty resulted in Minnesota's Arrowhead region being disputed, and previous negotiations had not resolved the question.