"Whether or not Michael Milken is part of it, this is an area with an amazingly bright future."
Willie said, noting that the singer had amazingly bright brown eyes and a handsome mass of chestnut-colored hair rolled up on her head.
The gold was amazingly bright, and I could see a guy's profile on it and some writing that looked Spanish.
Collie saw blood, amazingly bright in the gray gloom of the storm, seeping through his fingers.
Instead, there is the tropical night, dark blue with amazingly bright stars.
The Demon was there before him, a spark amazingly bright in the total darkness.
I think there'll be a heavy frost in the morning, though the stars are amazingly bright.
Stars leaped into being on every side, amazingly bright and astoundingly varicolored.
The night air was cool, and there was a vast spread of stars that looked amazingly bright and near.
The sky above was amazingly bright; the moon made the hills and peaks like day.