Who could doubt anything about the Yankees and their climaxing comebacks and amazing victories after what transpired last night?
"This is an amazing victory," said Mr. Lichtenstein, who plans to hold a press conference today to announce the deal.
Baron Wulfenbach, witnessing his son's amazing one-man victory, is as proud a father as any in history.
As an Ivanisevic clone might, Ancic's words flowed freely after the most amazing victory of his young career.
However, despite his amazing victories in the revolution, he was rewarded only as a second class helper and neglected by the King.
More important, there are amazing victories just waiting to be pulled from the maw of defeat through your mastery of strategy and aim.
He has been talked into amazing victories, none of which has materialised.
"That is unprecedented in the history of nuclear power in this country, and was an absolutely amazing victory by itself."
Just a little bit more was needed from them to seal an amazing victory.
This is an amazing victory for journalism and hopefully will make employers think again before taking advantage of people out of work.