She called the stunt "phenomenal" and "amazing" saying, "In the end the scenes looked incredible because of that.
During the rest between flights the instructor had the wind tunnel fan turned up to maximum and then proceeded to wow us both with some amazing stunts.
The Tom Turbo stories concern a talking bicycle capable of 111 amazing stunts.
- pull off one of the most amazing technical stunts in recent film history.
On account of that amazing stunt she pulled on you two?
Yes, a terrific bit of business has been concocted for the concluding minute of the play, but the amazing stunt confounds even as it tickles.
"This popular Hong Kong subgenre features women doing amazing stunts and martial arts feats," he explained.
Tarzan's dedication to his works and amazing stunts impress Gowri.
Around 1,500 people were there to see the amazing stunt on a large TV outside with a large PA system.
The act toured Europe for several years, performing some amazing stunts.