Well, let me tell you what may be the most amazing statistic ever recorded in a game which thrives on statistics.
But perhaps the most amazing statistic is Clinton's age.
One amazing statistic makes the point better than a dozen anecdotes.
A more amazing statistic is that half of those 2 billion 400 million will soon have their own late-night TV show.
She called that "a rather amazing statistic" and said it was probably "just the tip of the iceberg."
Blame "society" for the amazing statistic that "a third of children don't own a book".
Greeves' seven best on grounds in just fourteen games played is another amazing statistic.
The latter is an amazing statistic because that leave only about 0.018% for the rest of the entire planet!!!
"The most amazing statistic for us was the return rate of kids," he added.
The fact that so much of this is concentrated in one location is an amazing statistic.