Bannon said that he sees an amazing leap in Murphy's abilities since those first few times he saw him.
The amazing leap took his salary to £910,319, when his Kalon company profits increased by 57 per cent.
With an amazing leap, she was up on one of the top ones in a trice, and pulled a rug over her.
She has been nicknamed "Tweety", and is well known by fans for her amazing vertical leap.
His tall form was a rising, plunging shape that came in an amazing leap.
But that's a pretty amazing leap in value, so it must be related to something.
The men were able to do amazing leaps, and carry the weight of the women as if it truly were nothing.
Your mind, Lucy, goes so fast, that to keep pace with it your conversation takes the most amazing leaps.
Through an amazing imaginative leap, she enters into their heads and lets us see the world as they do.
That's quite an amazing leap in logic.