Rugby union continued with its amateur ideals past the schism between union and league and throughout much of the 20th century.
Mann was the one player in all professional baseball who was the most closely associated with clean sport, amateur ideals & high moral principles.
According to amateur ideals, no player could represent more than one club within one season.
Conscious of their tradition, they have jealously preserved the game's amateur ideals.
Strangers shake his hand, praising his films, paeans to the amateur ideal.
He has been part of the decision-making process to broaden the game's amateur ideals: 'The players now have a very square deal worked out'.
And Barnes, at least publicly, holds fast to the amateur ideal.
We have largely lost the amateur ideal in America," he said, "and it's a great loss.
Forget about sports like kayaking and fencing and field hockey, archaic remnants of that amateur ideal.
Rugby union's amateur high ideals, irked the working class rugby players who sought compensation for time away from work.