It was named after Angus Emmott, a farmer and amateur biologist in western Queensland.
IAB was established at the XI International Botanical Congress in Seattle, Washington, with the goal of increasing cooperation between professional and amateur biologists throughout the world.
These days, in the cities, skirts have hiked up so high that amateur biologists can ascertain that school girls have not only knees but also thighs.
By the 1980's, he had established himself as a kind of amateur biologist gathering information on the animals of the Nagarahole reserve near to his farm.
He is also an amateur biologist.
Through Mill, Lord Amberley met Douglas Spalding, a lawyer by profession and amateur biologist whom he employed as a tutor for his sons.
Owen had failed to acknowledge that the belemnite had been discovered by Chaning Pearce, an amateur biologist, four years earlier.
Diatoms, unicellular algae with ornate silica shells, have fascinated amateur and professional biologists ever since the invention of the microscope.
Kaufgetz was also an amateur biologist and animal breeder.
George Crawford Hyndman, auctioneer and amateur biologist (born 1796).