One of the most successful of these efforts, he said, has been to allow alumni donors to lend their names to scholarships of as little as $1,500.
Throughout his nine-year tenure, the athletic department recorded a profit each year, primarily through alumni donors and increased attendance rates.
The program is mainly funded by the US and New Zealand governments with additional funding from award sponsors, private philanthropists and alumni donors.
Houses are typically named after former Headmasters or notable alumni donors, and each House has a color to represent it.
He is also the school's largest alumni donor.
The same fraternities often dominate undergraduate social life and the ranks of alumni donors.
These rankings are based on factors like brand recognition, selectivity in admissions, generosity of alumni donors, and volume of faculty research.
He notes that some categories, like freshman retention rates and percentage of alumni donors, encourage positive behavior.
Increasing the percentage of alumni donors lifts a college's U.S. News score.
Tuck claims the highest percentage of alumni donors of any business school in the world.