Inside, they could see a few Orions scurrying through the transparent aluminum structure.
This allows aluminum structures to be lighter than steel yet still adequately stiff and strong.
This is simplified in aluminum structures by substituting a single casting - a process called parts consolidation.
It was recognized that for an aluminum structure to be cost effective, new manufacturing techniques would have to be developed.
The A8 luxury car followed, winning high praise for its innovative, lightweight aluminum structure.
There was a watchtower of sorts, a small aluminum structure that sat on a platform about ten feet off the ground.
Aboard the station, the three men will begin tasks to turn the pressurized aluminum structure into a home.
It is a straight, simple, pure aluminum structure.
It is a semi-circular aluminum structure, which opened like the iris of a human eye.
She got to stay in the temporary aluminum structure alongside the main building while 75 other kindergarten students were bused to a nearby public school.