Two of the white tent canopies had been lifted astride an eerie aluminum skeleton.
Only its aluminum skeleton was available for public viewing on the scheduled date; the work was completed and unveiled on August 4, 2009.
A central extruded aluminum skeleton provides seven bays long by seven bays around, each containing 21 submunitions (147 total).
When the shuttle's thermal protection system began to fail, the aluminum skeleton was unforgiving.
The ball itself has an aluminum skeleton six feet in diameter outlined with 180 25-watt light bulbs.
It represents a large flower made of stainless steel with aluminum skeleton and reinforced concrete, which looks at the sky, extending to it its six petals.
The door panels and floor are bare, exposing the aluminum skeleton, and there are no cup holders, no power outlets, no tilt steering wheel.
Like a jetliner, it has a "space frame," an aluminum skeleton to which aluminum panels are affixed.
The dinosaurs, made by Dinamation, have aluminum skeletons moved by compressed-air pistons, and skins of hand-painted foam rubber.
Like a tent, the balloon for the man who has everything has a folding aluminum skeleton that maintains the desired shape.