Because if they were, they'd be doing something bigger than selling aluminum siding.
Even though he had a new roof and aluminum siding put on two years ago, the house's age still showed.
Eventually, they hope to replace the white aluminum siding, he said.
Another time she claimed her house was made of brick and required no aluminum siding.
The smile made him look like a guy who wanted to sell me aluminum siding.
"If one neighbor removes the aluminum siding, the person next door wants to do the same."
"It was a red house and they started to turn black, so we replaced them with aluminum siding," she said.
"It was such a big thing when we got aluminum siding," he recalled.
Q. I had the outside of my house covered with light green aluminum siding 20 years ago.
"I don't remember the white aluminum siding," he said as they looked at the house.