"Margaret does have a terrible fear that Eleanor's outgoing disposition will drive her into something altogether unsuitable for girls."
Just the other day, I mentioned to a dance buff that Croce was about to publish a one-volume collection of her reviews, and received a reply altogether unsuitable for quotation in a family newspaper.
The Archbishop of Toledo, Raymond de Sauvetât, accused him of being "altogether unsuitable" (absolute simplex) and having granted church benefices to his supporters.
And although he doesn't make the association, the passages Rosenberg chooses include material not altogether unsuitable for daytime television: nocturnal emissions, cannibalism, sexual dysfunction and dream interpretation.
So much so that she insists on meeting his mother, crashing Mrs. Laing's party of distinguished guests in an altogether unsuitable outfit and offending them with the scent of her terrible perfume.
Di Robilant elicits, from family documents, an engrossing love story of the 18th century, about one of his aristocratic ancestors and a beautiful, intelligent woman who was altogether unsuitable to the family.
Religion does not demand new affections, but only claims the direction of those you already have, those affections you daily feel; though unhappily confined to objects not altogether unsuitable but altogether unequal to them.
You have reached the age and come into certain attributes of the body which make trousers altogether unsuitable, and we must plan for you a wardrobe of pretty frocks.
Less torrid and humid than elsewhere, the arctic zone was not altogether unsuitable.