I was not altogether unhappy to be holding her wrist.
One could not be altogether unhappy, in springtime, with such a wonderful, unbelievable baby.
He was wretched but he was not altogether unhappy.
Early on, the group played "Tape You," in which a man makes a not altogether unhappy discovery: his girlfriend has been seeing another woman.
She was not altogether unhappy at this.
"Of course, if they don't fully realize that, and strive especially hard to please, me, I won't be altogether unhappy."
Though it soaked him to the skin, Maniakes was not altogether unhappy to see it.
I was not altogether unhappy at the Publicity Printers during those early pioneer days.
After Pradel had left her, she did not feel altogether unhappy.
I had a quiet and not altogether unhappy life with my mother until I was fifteen.