Which was precisely what made him so indispensable, not just his experience, but an alternative viewpoint.
An alternative viewpoint is that money is ultimately a means to an end.
The Communists were at variance with all their previous allies and there was room for an alternative viewpoint.
It focuses on a broad range of subject areas within the Arab world, from alternative viewpoints.
This alternative viewpoint is useful in itself from three perspectives.
Thanks for the links in the last paragraph pointing to that alternative viewpoint.
His playing comes across as one side in a dialogue, and since the audience cannot answer back, he has to provide an alternative viewpoint, too.
Hence these media provide an "alternative" viewpoint, different information and interpretations of the world that cannot be found in the mainstream.
Though the state hasn't lost its conservative bearings, alternative viewpoints are getting a better hearing these days.
But supporters of the new standards said they were simply trying to open the curriculum, and students' minds, to alternative viewpoints.