In particular the threat to switch contracts to alternative providers is an empty one for many health authorities.
He also confirmed that the new pensions would be "substantially more affordable to alternative providers".
Medical doctors should not be in charge of referrals to alternative providers for which they have no knowledge or training.
A wide range of alternative providers will shortly be offering to let you, as the expression goes, "buy dial tone."
Cablenet is the alternative provider with the largest international capacity in Cyprus.
However, the continued recognition given to alternative providers suggests that this approach is not universally accepted.
The new pensions will be substantially more affordable to alternative providers and it is right that we offer workers continued access to them.
Students can also choose to study in a variety of other countries through alternative providers.
China's provinces will be required to buy electricity from alternative providers, even when the cost per kilowatt is substantially higher.
Such discrimination might then lead to sub-standard services for consumers and alternative providers.