Wellbutrin can be an alternate treatment when tolerance or abuse of a stimulant is a problem.
While waiting, the alternate treatment became available, said her physician, Mitchell Cairo.
It is very easy for a person in a lot of pain to want and try alternate treatments.
Electrosurgery is an alternate treatment, but local anesthesia is required, making it less practical than cryosurgery.
In an alternate taxonomic treatment, the Ascaridida are ranked as an infraorder Ascaridomorpha.
So the company said today that it is willing to release some of the drug to those who have no alternate treatments.
The thing is, I can't prove that Tim would get better in another place, receiving alternate treatments.
Use of deltamethrin has been increasing as an alternate treatment with the rise in resistance observed with emamectin benzoate.
His desperation is such that he also tries alternate treatments, like Acupuncture.
Cure rates should approach 100%, but approximately 40% to 50% of these patients will develop resistance to the first chemotherapeutic agent and require alternate treatment.