However, when cellular concentrations of the relevant amino acid is low, ribosome stalling leads to an alternate structure that enables downstream gene expression.
I was going to say the best thing about college is its alternate legal structure.
Though the board would continue to look at alternate corporate structures, Mr. Murray said, "I do not expect to be making an announcements soon" on that topic.
Furthermore, consideration of alternate structures may lead to configurations of left-handed materials that can achieve subwavelength focusing.
Summit County and Cuyahoga County have chosen an alternate structure, while all of the other counties have a structure that includes the following elected officers:
One of the two alternate structures is a series of three hairpins, the other includes a pseudoknot.
Now, however, researchers are reporting the first signs that this alternate structure itself may be collapsing, raising the prospect that the Scotia Shelf may be on the verge of returning to its former self.
It was on October 3, 1928 6th Congress that the now-familiar 'full' and 'alternate' structure originated, with 84 and 34 delegates, respectively.
This version featured an altered instrumental, newer vocals and a slightly alternate structure for its commercial release.
Decision support programs create an alternate structure for corporate data, one that allows the data to be seen and analyzed in a new light.